Welcome to the second installment of my
G.I.-JOE: Retaliation Movie Preview Amazon.com 4-Pack Review!
Today we will start off with the first figure of the set:
Roadblock (as played by Dwyane Johnson AKA The Rock).
The Rock comes with his ROCKet Launcher. |
Roadblock is the G.I.-Joe's heavy arms specialist who's been known to speak in rhymes (at least in the cartoon) and can cook one a hell of meal.
Though he didn't have much impact on me as a character back as a kid, I think the movie's really breathing new life into this character which is causing me to actually have interest in him.
Also casting The Rock to play as Roadblock was a brilliant idea because besides having star-power, he's an all around awesome guy. Can't wait to see how he portrays one of the Joes!
Click Below to read and see if this Roadblock rocks or blows.