Hi everyone,
Here is my GoMinimanGo Video Contest Entry:
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 30 Second Trailer
Hope you all enjoy it.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 30Second Trailer
Friday, October 3, 2008
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review
Welcome to my Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed?
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is the latest installment in the Star Wars saga where you play as Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice: Starkiller.
Now even though I only rented TFU for the Xbox 360 and didn't buy it (at least not yet...) I beat it twice and unlocked all the movies including the Light and Dark Side Endings.
- Graphics
The graphics are beautifully done and really make the characters and environments come alive. - Sound
The voice acting is supperb.It's sound effects are good.The music is good too, but I can't help but feel that it sounds like they copied some of John Williams music or maybe they just sound as good as him. - Gameplay
It's very easy to pick up and play. It's a lot of fun Unleashing the Force by pushing,throwing,and electrocuting your enemies.

- Story
The Story is awesome and is the main reason why any and every Star Wars fan will want to play this game! But sadly the game is a lot shorter than anyone expected - Training
It's a good place to practice and learn new moves and other stuff. - Other Stuff
Things like Videos,Pictures, and other stuff like that can be found here, though it doesn't add much to the gameplay experience.
Other Features
- The Force
Being able to use the force is really cool and really makes the game. - Cheats
They allow you to play it with things like invincibility, different costumes, and other neat unlockables.
- Violence
You use a lightsaber so of course it's going to be violent, but there's no blood or any bodily dismemberment. - Sexual Content
Juno has some cleavage,Shaak Ti wears some tribal outfit,and Juno and Starkiller kiss once, but otherwise there's not much (or any) sexual content in the story at all.
- Rent It
Try it out first and see what you think before buying since it is a short game. - Age to Play
It's rated T-For-Teen by the ESRB which means 13 and up, I would recommend you just go by the rating.
All and all it's a very fun and entertaining game with a few flaws (Too short). With great graphics and good game play, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is sure to chock you off you seat. So I give this game an 8.5 out of 10 score.
Hope you all liked my latest video game review.
Post you thoughts in the comment box.
Thanks. : )