Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Two Days Ago...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Brick Forge Review Part 2! :)
To see Part One of my review, just scroll down.
Thank You. :)
Now moving of with the rest of my review...
Above we have (from left to right) my Roman Gladiator, Roman Soldier,Roman Legionary, and Sheep.
First, we have my Roman Gladiator who is equipped with a Bronze Gladiator Helmet,a Bronze Gladiator Mask,a pair of Bronze Vambraces (which were reviewed before, but in Sliver)and a Bronze Trident.
The Helmet and the Mask are two separate pieces which allows for great customizability, since you can switch around with the colors or you can just use the helmet by itself or vise versa. They are nice and detailed and look really great together. Though the only the complaint I have is that the helmet can pop off sometimes when the mask is on, other than looks really cool!
Now for the Trident, it is detailed and will look good with your Gladiators or Atlanteans or any Warriors really.
Next, we have a Roman Soldier who has Hero Hair and uses a Gladius.
The Hero Hair is pretty nice and is detailed. Even though it might not look right on every head because it tends to cover up eyebrows and whatnot, it looks great on the right head. Also if you don't put it on all the down on the head it looks good on any head and doesn't cover up the eyebrows ans still allows movement to the head with out falling off.
The Gladius has style and detail that's sharp (literally).
Here, we have a Roman Legionary who wears a Bronze Legionary Helmet with a Red Pilum and he armed with a Bronze Roman Shield and a Bronze Commander Crest (which I'll be calling a spear for the rest of the review).
The Pilum adds detail to the already detailed Legionary Helmet (which is very cool looking).
The Roman Shield (like the Knight Shield) is smooth and looks great!
The Spear is detailed and very nice.
Oops... almost forgot the Sheep. ^^'
Lastly, the Sheep is very Lego like and will fit in with any Setup and sand out. Here is my army guy who's here to show you all the free goodies I received with my order. ^_^
He's has a Grey Hero Hair and he's armed with Brown Military Rifle.
Since I already reviewed the Hero Hair before (see my Roman Soldier above) I review the Military Rifle.
Now truth be told, I really didn't like the military rifle from seeing the pictures since it looked to big to me and it just didn't look right. Now I have one and I think it looks pretty good(especially when being held from the top), maybe a little big though it's still nice and detailed.
All in all, I gotta say that BrickForge has some very nice,detailed and all around great products. Good Customer Service, too. Highly Recommened!
When you place your order, don't forget to tell'em I sent ch'ya!
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading my Review (I'm kind of new to reviewing stuff).
Leave Comments on what you think.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Brick Forge Review Part 1! :D
Brick Forge specializes in making custom accessories for LEGO® Minifigures.
It's run by two of the finest minifig customizers around - RedBean & Armothe.
It was a long while since I had last ordered from them and once I saw the new items they came out with after BrickWorld (I wish I could've been there), I had to get my hands on 'em.
So I placed an order with them at their new online store.
My Mom ended up buying them for me as an earily Birthday (which is in four days^-^) present.
After I ordered, it said it would take 5 to 7 days, but came in three days (that's not even counting Sunday). Awesome! :D

Above are my Holy Crusaders and my Arabic Warrior.
Starting from the Left, we have my Sliver Knight with a Sliver Military Sword
It's more detailed than your avarge Lego sword and looks pretty nice in sliver. It doesn't look bad in Dark Grey either ,as you can see my black robed crusader holding (that sword was from another order from a while back, but I wanted to add the figure to the picture so I did).
Next is my Holy Crusader, which is outfitted with a Sliver Great Helm and a pair of Sliver Vambraces (which are hard to see in this picture, sadly), he armed with a Sliver Hero Sword (I bought it a while, but It looked really cool so...) and a Sliver Knights Sheild.
The Great Helm is very detailed with a cross, eye holes , and other things. The Knights Shield is very nice and smooth and will look great with any Midevil Warrior. The Vambraces are nice and add detail to any fig, though they can restrict movement of the arms if they're not put on right.
Lastly, is the Arabic Wariorr who wears a White Turban and uses a Sliver Khopesh. The Turban is really cool and customizeable, because it's top can be taken off to switch with Arabian Helmet (which I don't have yet) or with other colors, etc. The Khopesh is very unique and a very interesting weapon.

Above are my Custom Space Troopers, which are both outfited with Space Marine Helmets,
Space Marine Visors (Gold and Sliver), and Space Marine Armors.
Doesn't that Armor look familiar?Haven't you seen it before?Doesn't look like something from a EXTREMELY popular video game? If you haven't figured it out yet, it's because it's based of the main character of the popular video game HALO, Master Cheif.
I only need three words to discribes these: Cool , Detailed , Awesome.
The sand green one isn't perfect match with LEGO® Sand Green (which Armothe said will be corrected in the future), but still looks really cool.
Even though I've never played any of the HALO games (big shock...I know, but I'm considering), I really like the Space Marines and can see myself buying more of these (after the restock) to put in my Legoverse
Stay tuned for my "Brick Forge Review Part 2" to find out what else I ended up getting and find out what I think about Brick Forge's items.
Same Place! Same Blog!
Thanks for reading! :)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
My Own Creations Page Added and Updated!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I haven't posted anything for a while...well...I don't know if anyone ever reads my Blog or not.
Please Post if you do.
Thank You. :)
May Update Later.